Kitsap RV is the leading seller of consigned RV's in the Northwest period. Have you experienced the following headaches with trying to consign yourself or with other RV Dealerships?
- Heachache of showing your RV, Motorhome, Trailer or Camper to people you don't know
- Taking pictures isn't your strength
- Dealing with low ball offers
- All the crazy scams on Craiglist
We provide many services to you as the seller that doesn't cost you a dime. These services include:
- We will inspect your vehicle very closely using our experienced services technicians.
- We take 30-40 pictures or videos
- List your coach on RV Trader, Craigslist & Facebook
- We have a website that allows transactions to be handled online.
- We will advertise online, on TV & with ValPak.
- We have sales staff everyday working hard to sell your coach.
- We have the ability to take trades as well as financing through several banks and credit unions.
- Your coach will be cleaned inside and out and you don't lift a finger or spend a dollar (up to a certain amount of time. However if you want your coach to sell faster we recommend hiring a detailing company).
Here is a list of documents we need in order to consign your RV, Motorhome, Trailer or Camper:
- Copy of your title if you have it.
- Current registration
- If anyone on copy of registration is deceased, we must have a copy of the death certificate
- If vehicle is bank liened we need payoff info/copy of statement. Plus bank information and account number.
- Proof of insurance for your RV, motorhome, trailer or camper showing VIN number
Please make sure waste tanks & refridgerator have been emptied prior to bring your vehicle in. Also make sure your gas tank is at least 1/4 filled or more.
If you have a motorized RV, we need the odometer statement.
Our lot is in a safe location... Located at 4303 State Hwy 3 W in Bremerton across the street from Bruce Titus Ford. We have developed this business based on honesty, integrity and a passionate drive to succeed. So let us get the price you need for your RV and call us today!
Have more questions about what you need, give us a call (360) 377-0490.